Thursday, August 27, 2009

Giovanni's Room

"The success of Baldwin's effort as the witness is evidenced time and again by the people, black and white, gay and straight, famous and anonymous, whose humanity he unveiled in his writings. America and the literary world are far richer for his witness. The proof of a shared humanity across the divides of race, class and more is the testament that the preacher's son, James Arthur Baldwin (1924-1987), has left us." Washington Post

Thursday, August 13, 2009


1) to be demoted without due cause or reason

2) to demote or devalue someone or something with considerable cause

3) to demean another to make them feel as though they don't amount to anything

4) to be demoted in some fashion

Monday, August 10, 2009


Miss America 1983 Vanessa Williams

Salmon Chase appears on the US $10,000 bill

It doesn't happen often but when their canals freeze the Dutch ice skate across their country

Millvina Dean (1912-2009), the last survivor of the Titanic was a two month old infant the nite the ship sank

JFK's daugther Caroline

Patrick McGoohan (1928-2009) star of the extraordinary 1967 British Sci Fi TV show, The Prisoner

Friday, August 07, 2009

Mr. President

Hail to the Chief!


First let’s understand that Cancer is not a disease. It’s a syndrome you perpetuate within your body when you create a chemical imbalance or expose your body to excessive toxins. Follow me: It is natural for the body to create cancerous cells. It’s a by product of living in an unclean imperfect environment. But if all other things are equal your body eliminates cancerous cells long before they overwhelm your systems and become a problem. Unfortunately all things are not equal because you are constantly forcing your body to perform massive maintenance cleaning up all the garbage you repeatedly ingest in the form of processed toxic things you have been trained to think of as food.
Now don’t get me wrong. A minority of people are directly exposed to cancer causing agents. For example, the people who lived and worked around the World Trade Center in New York City just after the towers were destroyed were exposed to deadly air toxins. But as difficult as it is to believe even they could have been cured had they been aware of the exposure, and even now many can still be saved if they only understood how. But this is the exception; the rule shows that the vast majority of us create the cancer within our body. Note that 60% of all cancer comes from the food we ingest and 30% from smoking cigarettes.
Understand that cancer is not something attacking your body; it is something your body is doing to itself because you have overwhelmed it with toxins, and the body can simply no longer handle the overload. The human machine no longer produces normal cells but cancerous cells instead.
So what’s a cancerous tumor then? It’s the body’s attempt to isolate bad cells. It is similar to the body’s attempt to isolate toxins in boils or pimples that erupt through the skin. Unfortunately the appearance of a cancerous tumor indicates that the body is not capable of destroying or excreting abnormal cells faster than the body is creating them. So what does that mean? It means that although in certain limited situations chemotherapy, radiation treatment and laser therapy can be used to temporarily destroy an accumulation of cancerous cells these treatments are useless when addressing the cause of the cancer. Most cancer patients die from the treatment, not the cancer, because the treatment kills as many good cells as abnormal cancerous ones. Please understand that the entire body is failing; cancer is not isolated to any part of the body. Cancer does not spread; it is already part of us. Cancer does not fall into remission. Your allopathic medical physician has no technology capable of curing or arresting this condition.
So now that I’ve brought you crashing down into the depths of despair let me tell you that the production of cancer cells is easy to stop. Here’s how to do it:
Constantly cleanse your body of toxins
Because you will never live in a clean environment and because you will always ingest toxic substances you must forever cleanse toxins from your system. Note that even deadly toxins such as tar and nicotine from cigarettes can be cleansed from your body. Start with the colon and work your way up into the intestines, kidneys, liver, stomach and lungs. Fast often, drink more water and kill those parasites living in your body. You should also buy a juicer and use it everyday. Strenuous physical exercise is also an excellent way to cleanse the body. Perspiration allows the body to purge toxins. The higher body temperature attained through exercise kills many foreign organisms living in your body.
Balance your hormones
If you consume farmed animal flesh regularly then you have an excess of estrogen in your body. This destroys a man’s prostate and causes breast development. It gives women fibroid tumors. Women who use allopathic birth control over time will destroy their uterus and lead them straight to a hysterectomy. Surgically removing glands such as the prostate or the thyroid is inappropriate because it does not cure the problem and causes a permanent hormone imbalance.
Reinforce your immune system
Catching a cold that lasts more than 48 hours means you are immune deficient. Beef, chicken, farmed fish are all fed antibiotics that weaken your immune system. Regular use of over the counter drugs and prescribed antibiotics further weaken your immune system and provide no benefit to your body.
Provide proper nutrition to your body
It’s crucial to know what is and is not food.
1) Food is that which heals, cleanses and provides nutrition to the body. Food is alive and carries its own digestive enzymes. Raw vegetables and fruit, whole grain and unroasted unsalted nuts and seeds, dried beans and peas are all good examples of whole food.
2) Hybrid foods are things like seedless grapes, and vegetables and fruits grown with chemical pesticides and fertilizers. These foods have been modified at the genetic level. Their impact on the body is unclear but generally not good. They should be avoided.
3) Formally known as food refers to that which was once food but you processed it and destroyed much of its nutritional value. Note that all frozen or canned fruits or vegetables along with any pre packaged juice have been cooked. Fresh vegetables should be cooked without added water for only a minute or two.
4) Non foods are things we eat that are not meant for human consumption because the substance is dead and carries no digestive enzymes such as refined sugar, white rice and bleached white flour (bread and pasta). Cow mucus (milk, cheese and butter) is alive but should never be consumed. These products require a massive effort by your body for digestion and are the primary causes for your cancer.
5) Animal flesh (mammals, fish, birds, crustaceans) can be food if handled correctly. It is within nature for animals to consume other animals but as primates we need not ingest flesh to maintain proper nutrition. The problem with the flesh you buy in the store is that the animal was feed insulin, antibiotics, growth hormones and estrogen. Additionally the animal may have been cancerous before it was slaughtered. The flesh is preserved with dyes and sulfates. The flesh must also be cooked less the parasites living in the old dead flesh continue to live within you. We also consume far more animal flesh than our bodies can handle.
6) I’m not trying to gross you out here, but note that all the five billion peoples who live outside western civilization consume insects as a regular part of their diet. Peoples in non western cultures do not have the issues with cancer we have, but their bodies develop cancer as they learn to ingest processed animal flesh and smoke cigarettes as we do. Insects are the only living creatures non human primates ingest regularly. Insects are not animals and do not have flesh. Although not part of our cultural diet, insects are an extremely pure, plentiful and nutritional food.
7) Food supplements are created by extracting the active ingredients from a food source, concentrating it into a capsule and calling it a vitamin, but that still doesn’t make it food. Most of the active ingredients in a vitamin capsule simply wash straight through the body because your digestive system is designed to separate active ingredients from whole food. It is much better for your body if you squeeze a fresh lemon into a glass of water and drink it as opposed to taking vitamin C capsules.
Maintain proper pH balance
Cancer and virus thrive in an acidic body. Because you are only a bag filled with water and a few pounds of chemicals your water must be balanced between acidity and alkaline levels just like you balance the pH level in your swimming pool. Everyone reading this is acidic. The use of magnesium, calcium and potassium will balance your body’s pH levels.
Build spiritual and emotional calm into your life
This statement is obvious but its attainment may not be. You can start by remembering that you are just another creature of the earth, not its master. Without the earth, we don’t exist. Your health, your life force comes from the earth and is nurtured by the fruits of the earth, not by man made by products. Because we feel ourselves above life, not part of it, as civilized urbanized human animals we cover our skin with unnatural fibers and cover the earth with concrete and asphalt. If you want to reconnect with your spirit just let your bare skin touch the bare earth: Close your mouth, still your mind, feel the spirit. Roll in the ocean and feel the sea creatures around you; stand alone naked in the forest and hear what the non human animals, plants and rocks say to you. The earth speaks; we just don’t listen.
It is not easy to comprehend what is written here. We haven’t been trained to think this way. Your doctor works for the drug companies, not you. The drug companies want to keep you addicted to sell more products. The food manufactures are only concerned with product distribution without regard to nutritional value. Your health is your responsibility.
Allopathic medicine is designed to handle trauma. Your doctor is trained to repair a broken body. Surgery and drugs are exactly what your body needs if you are run over by a bus, your bones are broken and your life fluids are draining from your body. Doctors also have some fairly competent technology enabling them to diagnose certain issues and imbalances within the body. They also have chemicals that can rebalance the body’s fluids and temporarily maintain a body in crisis. What a doctor cannot do is heal your body. Only the body can heal itself.
Perhaps one day medical technology will advance to a stage where physicians can regulate the body’s chemistry safely with ease and precision, but that day has not yet arrived. All your doctor’s cancer drugs are experimental. Currently, your doctor has no technology to stop your body from producing cancer cells. Only you can do that.
Oh by the way, the above painting is entitled, “David with Head of Goliath #1”, painted by Caravaggio in 1598. The painting is also a self portrait, as it is the artist’s head that David holds in his hand.


Jesus, the Christ: Over two billion people believe this to be true.
Here now let us learn the message and not lose ourselves in the details of the history.
Who was Jesus?
Jesus was a man who walked the earth without fear or guilt or ego.
Jesus had no fear of death.
He showed this by giving his life away.
Jesus had no guilt.
Jesus did not know sin;
He had no need to feel guilty.
Jesus had no ego;
He had no concept of self.
All that Jesus did he credited to his Father in heaven.
What did Jesus do?
Jesus conveyed God’s absolute love to every single living creature he encountered. Jesus lived only in profound and total gratitude for the wonders of God’s grace.
Jesus totally perceived God’s love and let it penetrate his very marrow;
This was the only way he could respond.
Was Jesus God?
The man Jesus was one with God the Divine.
Only his physical presence allowed Jesus to distinguish himself as separate from God. The human manifestation of Jesus allowed God to sense Himself as a separate.
Was Jesus special?
Only Christians proclaim that God walked the earth as a man.
Jesus was a man who lived without fear, guilt or ego.
Were we to meet a man who lacked these human characteristics, we too would recognize him as God.
Such a man could see God, be taken for God, and raise sufficient fear in men to require his destruction.
Although we will never attain the qualities of Jesus, the world improves anytime anyone touches the path Jesus followed.
The message of Jesus
Live and believe as I do and you will be with me with God
Using adoration and love, Jesus showed the way to be with God.
Christians believe Jesus transformed into the Christ through his faith and belief.
A message for you
Belief in Jesus is not necessary;
To live as Jesus lived is necessary.
Oh by the way, the painting above is entitled, The Death of the Virgin, oil on canvas by Caravaggio in 1605

Three People

Homer Plessy (1863 - 1925)

No photos exist of this light skinned 7/8 white creole Louisiana man who was the Rosa Parks of his day. Homer looked white enough to pass but dark enough to be arrested for publically declaring his African bloodline while sitting in the white section of the train in 1882. He was convicted of violating the Jim Crow law. Like Ms Parks, Mr Plessy's arrest had been orchestrated by civil rights activists. He appealed his case (Plessy vs Ferguson) to the US Supreme Court in 1886 and lost! The ruling established "seperate but equal" as the law of the land and institutionalized American segregation until the ruling was overturned by Brown vs Board of Education in 1954.

Charles Houston (1895 - 1950)

This lawyer (pictured above) architected the series of lengthy legal battles that ended the "seperate but equal" doctrine that resulted from the US Supreme Court decision in Plessy vs Ferguson in 1886. From 1930 thru 1950 Houston led a successful law team that challanged discrimination in education throughout the US. Although Houston never lived to see his dream bear fruition, before his death he mentored a bright young lawyer who later successfully argued the case before the US Supreme Court in 1954. The name of the bright young lawyer was Thurgood Marshall.

Fannie Lou Hamer (1917 - 1977)

Civil Rights Activist

Extraordinary Person

"I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired"

Ms Hamer spoke at the 1964 Democratic National Convention against the segregated Mississippi delegation. Ms Hamer's zeal forced the Democratic Committee to agree never again to seat a delegation from a state that practiced voter discrimination. Ms Hamer's voice was impossible to ignore because she had been arrested 17 times and brutally beaten by police while attempting to register to vote.